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Dialogues on Digital Society

Dialogues on Digital Society

eISSN: 29768640 | ISSN: 29768640 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

Dialogues on Digital Society is an international, interdisciplinary journal engaging with emerging and field-changing thinking about the intersections of digital technologies, human experience, and societies. It publishes cutting-edge articles and review forums that critique or expand current thinking on questions of digitisation and set the agenda for future research.

The journal operates with open peer commentary, encouraging a dialogue between authors and a set of reviewers in order to foster critical dialogue to expand the field of inquiry.

The primary aim of Dialogues in Digital Society is to stimulate open and critical debate on emerging issues and theories relating to our understanding of digital societies. The focus is centred on how best to make sense of how digital technologies and infrastructures are reshaping social, cultural, political and economic life and setting the agenda for ground-breaking future research.

Interdisciplinary in scope, and working across bodies of knowledge and a diverse range of approaches, the journal will foster the intellectual exchange of ideas through open peer commentary. Each issue will contain article forums that consist of a lead article, several commentary responses from a range of contributors, and an author response. The review forums will use the same open peer format to explore books and other cultural artefacts (ie. artworks, games, films…) that make important contributions to understanding digital societies. By providing an avenue for emerging ideas and fostering critical engagement, the journal will provide a focal point for dialogue and debate about the relationship between the digital and society.

Editor in Chief
Kylie Jarrett University College Dublin, Ireland
Rob Kitchin Maynooth University, Ireland
Sarah Pink University of Sydney, Australia
Book/Culture Forum Editor
Jing Hiah Erasmus University Rotterdam,Netherlands
Catherine Knight Steele University of Maryland - College Park, USA
Editorial Board
Louise Amoore Durham University, UK
Payal Arora Utrecht University, The Netherlands
David Beer University of York, UK
Paško Bilic Institute for Development and International Relations, Croatia
Manuela Bojadžijev Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Taina Bucher University of Oslo, Norway
Ergin Bulut Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Simon Fraser University, Canada
Marika Cifor University of Washington, USA
Donatella Della Ratta John Cabot University, Rome
Paul Dourish University of California-Irvine, USA
Eran Fisher Open University of Israel, Israel
Kruskaya Hidalgo Cordero Observatorio de Plataformas, USA
Brian Jordan Jefferson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Helen Kennedy University of Sheffield, UK
Jian Lin Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Deborah Lupton University of New South Wales, Australia
Sophia Maalsen University of Sydney, Australia
Phoebe Moore University of Essex, UK
Job Mwaura University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Susanna Paasonen University of Turku, Finland
Seeta Peña Gangadharan London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Sung-Yueh Perng National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
Jernej Prodnik University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gayatri Jai Singh Rathore Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Raquel Recuero Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil
Paola Ricaurte Quijano Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Sebastian Sevignani Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Cheryll Soriano De La Salle University, Philippines
Aditie Surie Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India
Julia Velkova Linkoping University, Sweden
Jill Walker Rettberg University of Bergen, Norway
Ben Williamson University of Edinburgh, UK

Manuscript Submission Guidelines: DIALOGUES ON DIGITAL SOCIETY

Please read the guidelines below, then visit the Journal’s submission site to upload your manuscript. Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. Remember you can log in to the submission site at any time to check on the progress of your paper through the peer review process.

SAGE Publishing disseminates high-quality research and engaged scholarship globally, and we are committed to diversity and inclusion in publishing. We encourage submissions from a diverse range of authors from across all countries and backgrounds.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Dialogues on Digital Society will be reviewed.

There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this Journal.

As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you, that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere. Please see our guidelines on prior publication and note that Dialogues on Digital Society will consider submissions of papers that have been posted on preprint servers; please alert the Editorial Office when submitting (contact details are at the end of these guidelines) and include the DOI for the preprint in the designated field in the manuscript submission system. Authors should not post an updated version of their paper on the preprint server while it is being peer reviewed for possible publication in the Journal. If the article is accepted for publication, the author may re-use their work according to the Journal's author archiving policy.

If your paper is accepted, you must include a link on your preprint to the final version of your paper.

If you have any questions about publishing with SAGE, please visit the SAGE Journal Solutions Portal.

  1. What do we publish?
    1.1 Aims & Scope
    1.2 Article types
    1.3 Writing your paper
  2. Editorial policies
    2.1 Peer review policy
    2.2 Authorship
    2.3 Acknowledgements
    2.4 Funding
    2.5 Declaration of conflicting interests
    2.6 Research ethics and patient consent
    2.7 Clinical trials
    2.8 Reporting guidelines
    2.9 Research data
  3. Publishing policies
    3.1 Publication ethics
    3.2 Contributor’s publishing agreement
    3.3 Open access and author archiving
  4. Preparing your manuscript
    4.1 Formatting
    4.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics
    4.3 Identifiable information
    4.4 Supplemental material
    4.5 Reference style
    4.6 English language editing services
  5. Submitting your manuscript
    5.1 ORCID
    5.2 Information required for completing your submission
    5.3 Permissions
  6. On acceptance and publication
    6.1 SAGE Production
    6.2 Online First publication
    6.3 Access to your published article
    6.4 Promoting your article
  7. Further information
    7.1 Appealing the publication decision

1. What do we publish?

1.1 Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have read the Aims & Scope.

1.2 Article types

Dialogues on Digital Society publishes article forums on emerging and field-changing thinking about the intersections of digital technologies, human experience, and societies. If accepted for publication, each original article will be the focal point for an article forum, in which the article will be published alongside several commentaries and an author response to those commentaries.

Additionally, the journal publishes review forums of books and cultural artefacts in which several reviewers assess the work and an author contributes a response to the reviews.

The journal accepts the following as open submissions:

Original research articles of up to 12,000 words.

These articles should address a topic or theme of significance in the study of digitalisation and digital society, developing a leading edge agenda for the field. Every article must include an abstract of up to 200 words and up to 5 key words to facilitate reviewing and discovery.

The journal will commission:

Article commentaries of up to 2,000 words.

The journal will commission a set of review commentaries on each anchor research article. Please see the reviewing guidelines for developing your commentary.

Article author response commentary of up to 3,000 words.

The author of the anchor article will write a short response to the commissioned commentaries.

Book/culture reviews of up to 1,000 words.

The journal will commission a set of reviews of books or cultural artefacts/performances that are emerging as significant in the field. Please see the reviewing guidelines for developing your review.

Book/Culture author response commentary of up to 2,000 words

The author or creator of the book or artefact will respond to the commissioned reviews.

1.3 Writing your paper

The SAGE Author Gateway has some general advice on how to get published, plus links to further resources.

1.3.1 Make your article discoverable

For information and guidance on how to make your article more discoverable, visit our Gateway page on How to Help Readers Find Your Article Online

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2. Editorial policies

2.1 Peer review policy

Dialogues on Digital Society operates a two stage review process.

Stage 1: Double-anonymised peer review.  Every research article is subject to a standard, double-anonymised refereeing process wherein the reviewer’s name is withheld from the author and the author’s name from the reviewer. The reviewer may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review but our standard policy practice is for both identities to remain concealed. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees, with a preference for three or more. All manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible, and the aim is to reach an editorial decision within 4–6 weeks of submission. Submissions may go through multiple rounds of anonymised review prior to acceptance. Please see the reviewer guidelines.

As standard practice, SAGE does not permit the use of author-suggested reviewers for this stage.

Stage 2:  Open peer commentary.  Once the paper is formally accepted by the editors, it will then be sent to a number of commentators (typically 4-6) who will write responses for publication alongside the accepted paper. Commentators may or may not have been in the original group of reviewers. Published comments will be reviewed by an editor and, in most cases, are not subject to peer review. The author will be invited to respond to these comments

2.2 Authorship

All parties who have made a substantive contribution to the article should be listed as authors. Principal authorship, authorship order, and other publication credits should be based on the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their status. A student is usually listed as principal author on any multiple-authored publication that substantially derives from the student’s dissertation or thesis.

2.3 Acknowledgements

All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgements section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, or a department chair who provided only general support.

Please supply any personal acknowledgements separately to the main text to facilitate anonymous peer review. 

2.3.1 Third party submissions

Where an individual who is not listed as an author submits a manuscript on behalf of the author(s), a statement must be included in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript and in the accompanying cover letter. The statements must:

  • Disclose this type of editorial assistance – including the individual’s name, company and level of input;
  • Identify any entities that paid for this assistance;
  • Confirm that the listed authors have authorized the submission of their manuscript via third party and approved any statements or declarations, e.g. conflicting interests, funding, etc.

Where appropriate, SAGE reserves the right to deny consideration to manuscripts submitted by a third party rather than by the authors themselves.

2.4 Funding

Dialogues on Digital Society requires all authors to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading.  Please visit the Funding Acknowledgements page on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway to confirm the format of the acknowledgment text in the event of funding, or state that: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. 

2.5 Declaration of conflicting interests

Dialogues on Digital Society encourages authors and reviewers to include a declaration of any conflicting interests and recommends you review the good practice guidelines on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway.

2.6 Research data

At SAGE we are committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research. Where relevant, Dialogues on Digital Society encourages authors to share their research data in a suitable public repository subject to ethical considerations and where data is included, to add a data accessibility statement in their manuscript file. Authors should also follow data citation principles. For more information please visit the SAGE Author Gateway, which includes information about SAGE’s partnership with the data repository Figshare.

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3. Publishing policies

3.1 Publication ethics

SAGE is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors and view the Publication Ethics page on the SAGE Author Gateway.

3.1.1 Plagiarism

Dialogues on Digital Society and SAGE take issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the Journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software. Where an article, for example, is found to have plagiarized other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.

3.1.2 Prior publication

If material has been previously published it is not generally acceptable for publication in a SAGE journal. However, there are certain circumstances where previously published material can be considered for publication. Please refer to the guidance on the SAGE Author Gateway or if in doubt, contact the Editor at the address given below.

3.2 Contributor’s publishing agreement

Before publication, SAGE requires the author as the rights holder to sign a Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement. SAGE’s Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement is an exclusive licence agreement which means that the author retains copyright in the work but grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish for the full legal term of copyright. Exceptions may exist where an assignment of copyright is required or preferred by a proprietor other than SAGE. In this case copyright in the work will be assigned from the author to the society. For more information please visit the SAGE Author Gateway.

3.3 Open access and author archiving

Dialogues on Digital Society offers optional open access publishing via the SAGE Choice programme. For more information, please visit the SAGE Choice website. For information on funding body compliance, and depositing your article in repositories, please visit SAGE Publishing Policies on our Journal Author Gateway.

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4. Preparing your manuscript

4.1 Formatting

The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. LaTeX files are also accepted. A LaTex template is available on the Manuscript Submission Guidelines page of our Author Gateway.

4.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics

For guidance on the preparation of illustrations, pictures and graphs in electronic format, please visit SAGE’s Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

Figures supplied in colour will appear in colour online.

4.3 Identifiable information

Where a journal uses double-blind peer review, authors are required to submit:

  1. A version of the manuscript which has had any information that compromises the anonymity of the author(s) removed or anonymised. This version will be sent to the peer reviewers.
  2. A separate title page which includes any removed or anonymised material. This will not be sent to the peer reviewers.

See for detailed guidance on making an anonymous submission

4.4 Supplemental material

This Journal is able to host additional materials online (e.g. datasets, podcasts, videos, images etc.) alongside the full-text of the article. For more information please refer to our guidelines on submitting supplemental files.

4.5 Reference style

Dialogues on Digital Society adheres to the SAGE Harvard reference style. View the SAGE Harvard guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

If you use EndNote to manage references, you can download the SAGE Harvard EndNote output file.

4.6 English language editing services

Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the Journal’s specifications should consider using SAGE Language Services. Visit SAGE Language Services on our Journal Author Gateway for further information.

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5. Submitting your manuscript

Dialogues on Digital Society is hosted on SAGE Track, a web based online submission and peer review system powered by ScholarOne™ Manuscripts. Visit [] to login and submit your article online.

IMPORTANT: Please check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. If you have reviewed or authored for the Journal in the past year it is likely that you will have had an account created.  For further guidance on submitting your manuscript online please visit ScholarOne Online Help.


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The collection of ORCID IDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this Journal. If you already have an ORCID ID you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID ID will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID ID is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

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5.2 Information required for completing your submission

You will be asked to provide contact details and academic affiliations for all co-authors via the submission system and identify who is to be the corresponding author. These details must match what appears on your manuscript. The affiliation listed in the manuscript should be the institution where the research was conducted. If an author has moved to a new institution since completing the research, the new affiliation can be included in a manuscript note at the end of the paper. At this stage please ensure you have included all the required statements and declarations and uploaded any additional supplementary files (including reporting guidelines where relevant).

5.3 Permissions

Please also ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. For further information including guidance on fair dealing for criticism and review, please see the Copyright and Permissions page on the SAGE Author Gateway.

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6. On acceptance and publication

6.1 SAGE Production

Your SAGE Production Editor will keep you informed as to your article’s progress throughout the production process. Proofs will be made available to the corresponding author via our editing portal SAGE Edit or by email, and corrections should be made directly or notified to us promptly. Authors are reminded to check their proofs carefully to confirm that all author information, including names, affiliations, sequence and contact details are correct, and that Funding and Conflict of Interest statements, if any, are accurate. Please note that if there are any changes to the author list at this stage all authors will be required to complete and sign a form authorising the change.

6.2 Online First publication

Online First allows final articles (completed and approved articles awaiting assignment to a future issue) to be published online prior to their inclusion in a journal issue, which significantly reduces the lead time between submission and publication. Visit the SAGE Journals help page for more details, including how to cite Online First articles.

6.3 Access to your published article

SAGE provides authors with online access to their final article.

6.4 Promoting your article

Publication is not the end of the process! You can help disseminate your paper and ensure it is as widely read and cited as possible. The SAGE Author Gateway has numerous resources to help you promote your work. Visit the Promote Your Article page on the Gateway for tips and advice.

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7. Further information

Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the Dialogues on Digital Society editorial office as follows:

Dr. Kylie Jarrett
c/o Department of Media Studies
Maynooth University
Co. Kildare

7.1 Appealing the publication decision

Editors have very broad discretion in determining whether an article is an appropriate fit for their journal. Many manuscripts are declined with a very general statement of the rejection decision. These decisions are not eligible for formal appeal unless the author believes the decision to reject the manuscript was based on an error in the review of the article, in which case the author may appeal the decision by providing the Editor with a detailed written description of the error they believe occurred.

If an author believes the decision regarding their manuscript was affected by a publication ethics breach, the author may contact the publisher with a detailed written description of their concern, and information supporting the concern, at

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