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"This textbook is suitable for introduction to special education courses for both prospective general and special educators. It is readable for undergraduate students who are new to college/education coursework."
"This is an excellent text that covers a solid array of topics in special education. A general education teacher, learning from this text, would benefit greatly from the material covered in the text."
"This is a good book for an intro to special education."
"Excellent text for general education pre-service teachers to teach inclusive practices."
"The book is thorough in covering topics that pre-service students can apply in their practices. The use of challenge questions serve as thought provoking instruments to guide students in their studies."
"This textbook is appropriate for a foundations course in special education. It is particularly useful for graduate level study for candidates studying to be general educators or special educators at the elementary or secondary grade level."
Ideal for those on the SEN specialist pathway or undertaking a dissertation or action research as well as supporting the CCF
using as extra for EDU 246