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Educational and Psychological Measurement

Educational and Psychological Measurement

eISSN: 15523888 | ISSN: 00131644 | Current volume: 84 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Founded in 1941 by Frederick Kuder, Educational and Psychological Measurement is an international, peer-reviewed journal, offering the most current theoretical and applied papers in the measurement field. Measurement pervades almost every aspect of modern society. For example, measurements of individual abilities and other personal characteristics often contribute to countless decisions that shape individuals’ upbringing, schooling, and careers. At the same time, the field of educational and psychological measurement continues to evolve at an exponential rate.

Educational and Psychological Measurement publishes referred scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues. Theoretical articles will address new developments and techniques, and applied articles will deal strictly with innovation applications.

George A. Marcoulides University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Editors Emeriti
Xitao Fan Editor Emeritus
W. Scott Gehman Editor Emeritus
William B. Michael Editor Emeritus
Geraldine Thomas Sheehy Editor Emeritus
Bruce Thompson Editor Emeritus
Board of Cooperating Editors
Peter M. Bentler University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Steven M. Boker University of Virginia, USA
Daniel Bolt University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Linda Cook Educational Testing Service, USA
Ralph J. De Ayala University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Dimiter M. Dimitrov George Mason University, USA
Christine DiStefano University of South Carolina, USA
Michael Edwards Arizona State University, USA
Susan E. Embretson Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Craig Enders University of California, Los Angeles, USA
George Engelhard, Jr. University of Georgia, USA
W. Holmes Finch Ball State University, USA
Sara Finney James Madison University, USA
Brian F. French Washington State University, USA
Marsha Ing University of California, Riverside, USA
Sandra Johnson Assessment Europe, UK
Nidhi Kohli University of Minnesota, USA
Spyros Konstantopoulos Michigan State University, USA
Xenophon Koufteros Texas A&M University, USA
Leonidas Kyriakides University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Kimberly Maier Michigan State University, USA
Katerina M. Marcoulides University of Minnesota, USA
Herbert W. Marsh Oxford University, UK
Irini Moustaki London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Sean W. Mulvenon University of Nevada, USA
Fadia Nasser Tel Aviv University, Israel
Michael C. Neale Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Dena Pastor James Madison University, USA
Randall D. Penfield University of Miami, USA
Tenko Raykov Michigan State University, USA
Albert Satorra Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Victoria Savalei University of British Columbia, Department of Psychology, Canada
Randall E. Schumacker University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
Dexin Shi University of South Carolina, USA
Georgios Sideridis Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Sandip Sinharay Educational Testing Sevice, USA
Stephen G. Sireci University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Everett V. Smith University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Rolf Steyer University of Jena, Germany
Xiang Bo Wang The College Board, USA
Noreen M. Webb University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Ke-Hai Yuan University of Notre Dame, USA
Bruno Zumbo University of British Columbia, Canada
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  • All manuscripts are anonymously peer-reviewed by national/international scholars appropriate for the topic and content. The review process is double-anonymized and normally takes 2-3 months.

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