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Adam Lindgreen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Adam Lindgreen has completed studies in chemistry and physics (Copenhagen University) and engineering (the Engineering Academy of Denmark. He obtained a M.Sc. in food science and technology at the Technical University of Denmark; his eight-month long M.Sc. thesis was undertaken in collaboration with Danida in Denmark and Banco de Semillas Forestales in Nicaragua. He then earned an MBA at the University of Leicester. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Cranfield University, with 18 months spent at University of Auckland’s Business School. 

Adam Lindgreen’s first appointments were with the Catholic University of Louvain and Eindhoven University of Technology. Subsequently, he served as Professor of Marketing at Hull University’s Business School; at the University of Birmingham’s Business School, where he also was the research director in the Department of Marketing; and at the University of Cardiff’s Business School. Under his leadership, the Department of Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School ranked first among all research-intensive marketing departments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Since 2016, Adam Lindgreen has been Professor of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School, where he also heads the Department of Marketing. Under his leadership, the department’s number of AJG 3/4/4* journal articles and that of AJG 4/4* journal articles have increased with 925% and 600% respectively. Since 2018, Adam Lindgreen is Extraordinary Professor with University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science where he also is International Research Advisor. 

Adam Lindgreen’s publications have appeared in academic journals, including Business Strategy and the Environment, the California Management Review, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Industrial Marketing Management, the International Journal of Management Reviews, the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Business Ethics, the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Management, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, the Journal of World Business, Organization Studies, Psychology & Marketing, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, among others. 

Adam Lindgreen’s 31 books include The Emergence and Rise of Relationship Marketing (published Ph.D. thesis; 2000), A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (with Kotler, Vanhamme, and Maon; 2012), How to Fast-Track Your Academic Career (with Di Benedetto, Vanhamme, and Nicholson; 2021), Managing Market Relationships (2008), Public Value (with Koenig-Lewis, Kitchener, Brewer, Moore, and Meynhardt; 2019), and Sustainable Value Chain Management (with Maon, Vanhamme, and Sen; 2013).

The recipient of the “Outstanding Article 2005” award from Industrial Marketing Management and the runner-up for the same award in 2006, Adam Lindgreen is co-editor-in-chief of Industrial Marketing Management. Furthermore, he is co-editor-in-chief of Routledge’s Food and Agricultural Marketing, a series of highly managerially relevant books published by Routledge. 

Since 2016, Adam Lindgreen is a member of the International Scientific Advisory Panel of the New Zealand Food Safety Science and Research Centre (a partnership among government, industry organizations, and research institutions); since 2017, of the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide (AJG) Scientific Committee in the field of marketing; and since 2020, of Det videnskabelige Råd for