Clinical Psychology - International Student Edition
Science, Practice, and Diversity
Fifth Edition
- Andrew M. Pomerantz - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Other Titles in:
Clinical Psychology (General) | Counselling Psychology | Counselling and Psychotherapy (General)
Clinical Psychology (General) | Counselling Psychology | Counselling and Psychotherapy (General)
August 2019 | 648 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
From award-winning author Andrew M. Pomerantz comes the Fifth edition of Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Diversity, providing students with an inclusive and culturally competent view of the vast world of clinical psychology. Through lively examples, robust scholarship, and a highly readable narrative, the author explores the key topics of clinical assessment, psychotherapy, and ethical and professional issues while also incorporating discussions of current controversies and specialized topics. The Fifth edition includes a new career-focused feature, videos addressing ethical issues, and updates to the latest research findings in the field. The Fifth Edition of this best-selling book is an essential resource for students in the classroom and beyond.
About the Author
1. Clinical Psychology: Definition and Training
2. Evolution of Clinical Psychology
3. Current Controversies in Clinical Psychology
4. Diversity and Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology
5. Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology
6. Conducting Research in Clinical Psychology
7. Diagnosis and Classification Issues: DSM-5 and More
8. The Clinical Interview
9. Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment
10. Personality Assessment and Behavioral Assessment
11. General Issues in Psychotherapy
12. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
13. Humanistic Psychotherapy
14. Behavior Therapy
15. Cognitive Psychotherapy and Mindfulness-Based Therapies
16. Group and Family Therapy
17. Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
18. Health Psychology
19. Forensic Psychology
Author Index
Subject Index
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- original In My Practice whiteboard videos that breathe life into concepts via stories drawn from the author's own experience as a practicing clinician;
- multimedia resources that direct students to videos and websites that help explain concepts and tools used by clinical psychologists, as well as resources for planning future careers as clinicians;
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- original In My Practice whiteboard videos that breathe life into concepts via stories drawn from the author's own experience as a practicing clinician;
- multimedia resources that direct students to videos and websites that help explain concepts and tools used by clinical psychologists, as well as resources for planning future careers as clinicians; and
- exclusive access to influential SAGE journal and reference content that ties important research and scholarship to chapter concepts to strengthen learning.