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SAGE MethodSpace and NVivo are excited to continue the Qualitative Research and Innovation webinars.
People from minorities are more likely to feel part of Britain when their neighbours are from different ethnic backgrounds, research published in the journal Sociology, says.
In the most comprehensive study of community cohesion yet carried out, Dr Neli Demireva, of the University of Essex, and Professor Anthony Heath, of the University of Oxford, analysed data from two surveys on 4,391 British people, 3,582 of them from ethnic minorities.
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Open access journal comes to SAGE Publishing with six-part series on kidney care and treatment
Los Angeles, Four more SAGE titles have recently received recognition for excellence. Library Journal has chosen three titles to be included in its Best Reference 2014 list and ALA’s RUSA, Reference and User Services Association, chose two titles for its Outstanding Reference Sources list. One title, Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, was included in both lists.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is delighted to announce the launch of a new, international open access journal for the qualitative study of nursing, Global Qualitative Nursing Research (GQNR).
GQNR is a rigorously peer-reviewed open access journal that will publish qualitative research on topics important to nurses including nursing, care, health, and illness. Special sections of the journal will include ethics, methodological development, developing the theoretical base of nursing, establishing evidence, and application to practice.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Canadian College of Health Leaders are pleased to announce that SAGE will begin publishing the College’s journal, Healthcare Management Forum (HMF), with the first edition in January 2015.
The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management, including recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders' perspectives.
Since our founding in 1965, Sage has passionately advocated for the social sciences. Sage has developed a high-quality portfolio of journals across the social science disciplines, publishing the work of many leading authors, researchers and societies across the field, disseminating their research globally and nurturing emerging disciplines such as urban affairs and behavioural science.
SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce that four of its titles have won Awards of Excellence from the Annual Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX Awards):
Category: Magazines, Journals & Tabloids – New