Culturally Proficient Inquiry
A Lens for Identifying and Examining Educational Gaps
- Randall B. Lindsey - California State University Los Angeles, USA
- Stephanie M. Graham - Los Angeles County Office of Education
- R. Chris Westphal, Jr. - San Juan School District, CA
- Cynthia L. Jew - California Lutheran University, California
Because of the requirements of NCLB, many schools realize that their schools have an achievement gap. This book will help them look at more and better sources than raw test scores such as school conditions and the assumptions and beliefs of the school's educators about the students they serve. As a result of conducting an equity audit, educators will learn what they need to do differently for all students to be successful in their school.
"Provides the information and tools needed to create powerful learning communities in which the academic and co-curricular needs and the well-being of all students are addressed through purposeful inquiry and culturally proficient practices. This text is a must-read for educational leader preparation programs and for all educational leaders who want to make a difference."
"The culturally proficient inquiry model provides us with a process for examining the strategies and practices that support or prevent equitable access to learning. Understanding what it means to be culturally proficient and becoming culturally proficient places of learning is fundamental to student success and achievement."
"Finally, a publication that makes cultural proficiency understandable for school leaders and teaching staffs and provides the practical means for leaders to address cultural proficiency in schools, districts, and communities. A useful how-to guide for this critically important work."
"The authors take a comprehensive approach to educational reform, one that fosters schools' cultural proficiency in four broad areas: assessment and accountability, curriculum and instruction, home-school relations, and teacher professional development. They manage to both convey the magnitude and complexity of the problem of schools underserving their constituencies and illuminate a path to positive change."
"An outstanding field manual. It provides the context, framework, and tools for district and school staffs to have 'fierce conversations' about institutional and personal responsibility for closing the achievement gap. A must-read for those serious about educating all students."
"The authors have created the ultimate practical resource for determining how to make cultural proficiency work in our organizations. A must-have for those of us who are seriously and genuinely committed to going on a journey toward cultural proficiency!"
"The authors effectively empower educators with the knowledge, will, and skill to close educational gaps. This book takes educators on a thorough journey of learning and reflection, examining data, presenting information, discussing best practices, and posing questions. It provides the tools, rubrics, and matrices to help educators review, revise, and measure their practices and progress toward cultural proficiency."
"A change in the rhetoric from underperforming stakeholders (be they students, parents, teachers, or staff) to underserved stakeholders is critically needed. Educators can change the rhetoric and shift the sense of responsibility onto the adults in the system who can do something about closing gaps and thereby educate others on how the deficit model of blaming those who are underperforming does nothing to transform the system to better serve all stakeholders."
"What is best about this remarkable book is its constant reminder that the courage to do what is just and right for the 'underserved' comes to those who face the 'brutal facts,' listen to the difficult questions, and seek support and guidance from the educators in the field. This book is an inspiring companion needed now more than ever."