Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication
Second Edition
Edited by:
- William B. Gudykunst - California State University, Fullerton, USA, California State University, USA
- Bella Mody - University of Colorado, Boulder,India, Michigan State Unversity
October 2001 | 500 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This Second Edition illustrates how the field is composed and looks at how it has grown. The four parts examine: cross-cultural communication; intercultural communication; international communication; and development communication. Each part begins with a chapter on theories and closes with one on issues. This edition is thoroughly revised and reorganized with expanded coverage of international, development, and cross-cultural communication and new chapters.
Everett M Rogers and William B Hart
The Histories of Intercultural, International, and Development Communication
William B Gudykunst
Cross-Cultural Communication
William B Gudykunst and Carmen M Lee
Cross-Cultural Communication Theories
Gerry Philipsen
Cultural Communication
Tae-Seop Lim
Language and Verbal Communication across Cultures
Peter A Andersen et al
Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures
David Matsumoto et al
Cultural Influences on the Expression and Perception of Emotion
Cookie White Stephan and Walter G Stephan
Cognition and Affect in Cross-Cultural Relations
Stella Ting-Toomey and John G Oetzel
Cross-Cultural Face Concerns and Conflict Styles
William B Gudykunst
Issues in Cross-Cultural Communication Research
William B Gudykunst
Intercultural Communication
William B Gudykunst
Intercultural Communication Theories
Richard L Wiseman
Intercultural Communication Competence
Jessica Abrams, Joan O'Connor and Howard Giles
Identity and Intergroup Communication
Ling Chen
Communication in Intercultural Relationships
Young Yun Kim
Adapting to an Unfamiliar Culture
George A Barnett and Meihua Lee
Issues in Intercultural Communication Research
Bella Mody
International Communication
Stephen D McDowell
Theory and Research in International Communication
Edward Comor
Media Corporations in the Age of Globalization
Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Global Communication Orders
Thomas L Jacobson and Won Yang Jang
Media, War, Peace and Global Civil Society
K Viswanath and Liren Benjamin Zeng
Transnational Advertising
Bella Mody and Anselm Lee
Differing Traditions of Research on International Media Influence
Sandra Braman
A Pandemonic Age
Bella Mody
Development Communication
Srinivas R Melkote
Theories of Development Communication
Silvio Waisbord
State, Development and Communication
Leslie B Snyder
Development Communication Campaigns
J P Singh
Communication Technology and Development
Robert Huesca
Participatory Approaches to Communication for Development
H Leslie Steeves
Development Communication as Marketing, Collective Resistance and Spiritual Awakening
Karin Gwinn Wilkins
International Development Communication