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This is my go to whenever I am talking/teaching students and colleagues
This book is suitable for all levels of learning and is full of practical, easy to read advice. Its a well used book in my library and one I recommend.
Useful for ward staff to ensure students have a fulfilling clinical experience
Great resource for mentors of nursing students.
the book is easy to read and offers good practical information
Covers the NMC domains, is clear easy to read and provides examples from practice. I am assuming that the authors are considering a revision in view of revalidation and proposed changes to the SLAiP in the near future.
This is a really informative book for both mentors and those who aspire to the role.
I take this book when I am delivering mentor updates as I feel it is a good resource for all mentors.
Excellent layout Good use of historical information linked to current practices Very straighforward to read and/or dip into specific chapters
Successful mentoring of nursing/Healthcare students has significant challenge for mentors. Concerns over the fitness to practise of healthcare students require new approaches for placement learning and mentoring. This book considers the relationship between mentorship theory, policy and practice.
A well written text for the student who will become a mentor when in clinical service. This also provides a useful resource for mentors already in clinical service and for University based tutors when dealing with novel experiences with students in practice placements.
good and adopted
Provides some good supporting information for trainee Mentors of Health care students. Worth having to add new perspectives not covered by other texts on the topic
An exceptional book to assist with the safe mentoring of healthcare learners
A well written book that encompasses all the key issues and concerns for mentors. However a chapter on 'students experiences of mentorship' may have enhanced this book still further, particularly as the back cover states "it will help both the mentor and student to develop the skills for effective collaboration". Student's experiences are interwoven in the chapters but more specific discourse would be better
This is very good text for Pre Registration students in the final semester. It is best for Mentor Training Programme and I will be notifying our librarian Mentor Course leader to order copies
The text makes an easy yet thorough read. It is alligned with current healthcare policies and particularly as it relates to nursing, the NMC guidelines on mentoring. Very valuable text for learners.
Recommended as core reading for all students undertaking the mentoring course
Works well alongside Neil Gopees book. Again the use of case studies is very effective at getting pre and post registration students to reflect honestly on mentorship and how the 2 sides preceive the same situation very differently. A very effective tool for lecturers to work with.