Nancy Eisenberg
Roberta Corrigan
How Infants and Young Children Understand the Causes of Events
Rachel Karniol
Developmental and Individual Differences in Predicting Others' Thoughts and Feelings
Applying the Transformation Rule Model
Joan E Grusec and Norma Mammone
Features and Sources of Parents' Attributions about Themselves and Their Children
Lee Jussim and Jacquelynne Eccles
Naturally Occurring Interpersonal Expectancies
Diane N Ruble and Carol S Dweck
Self-Conceptions, Person Conceptions and Their Development
Nancy G Guerra, L Rowell Huesmann and Laura Hanish
The Role of Normative Beliefs in Children's Social Behavior
Daphne Blunt Bugental, Eta K Lin and Joshua E Susskind
Influences of Affect on Cognitive Processes at Different Ages
Lisa J Bridges and Wendy S Grolnick
The Development of Emotional Self-Regulation in Infancy and Early Childhood
Stephanie A Shields
The Role of Emotion Beliefs and Values in Gender Development
William G Graziano and Stefanie B Waschull
Social Development and Self-Monitoring
William J Froming et al
A Control Theory Approach to Social Development