Urban Affairs Review
Urban Affairs Review (UAR) has been a leading scholarly journal focused on urban politics, policy, and governance for fifty years. Submissions reflecting different scholarly disciplines and methodological perspectives are welcome when the research advances theory and improves our understanding of political processes, policy impacts, and approaches to governance in urban, regional, and metropolitan settings. The Urban Affairs Review is affiliated with American Political Science Association’s section on Urban Politics.
Urban Affairs Review is a peer-reviewed, bi-monthly journal focused on questions of politics, governance, and public policy specifically as they relate to cities and/or their regions. Submissions of empirical and comparative research from different scholarly disciplines and methodological perspectives are encouraged. UAR publishes articles, research notes, research syntheses, and book review essays.
Potential topics include: civic and political engagement; racial and ethnic politics; local and regional institutions; municipal fiscal health; and analyses of urban public policies directed at community development; economic, civic, and environmental sustainability; public education, affordable housing, public transportation, public safety, and physical infrastructure.
Please direct all questions regarding the status of submitted manuscripts to:
Urban Affairs Review Editorial Office
Richard Dilworth, Managing Editor
Emily Holloway, Assistant Managing Editor
Drexel University
Email: urban.affairs.review@gmail.com
Blog: http://urbanaffairsreview.com
UAR is grateful for the support provided by Drexel University.
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/UAR.
Urban Affairs Reveiw (UAR) is a leading scholarly journal on urban issues and themes. For almost five decades scholars, researchers, policymakers, planners, and administrators have turned to UAR for the latest international research and empirical analysis on the programs and policies that shape our cities. UAR covers: urban policy; urban economic development; residential and community development; governance and service delivery; comparative/international urban research; and social, spatial, and cultural dynamics.
Richardson Dilworth | Drexel University, USA |
Maureen Donaghy | Rutgers University, USA |
Christina Greer | Fordham University, USA |
Mara Sidney | Rutgers University, USA |
Timothy Weaver | SUNY Albany, USA |
Yue Zhang | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Emily Holloway | Drexel University, USA |
Emily Holloway | Drexel University, USA |
Jill Simone Gross | Hunter College – CUNY, USA |
Adam Auerbach | American University, USA |
Stefanie Chambers | Trinity College, USA |
Jonathan E. Collins | Brown University, USA |
Margaret Cowell | Virginia Tech, USA |
Nyron Crawford | Temple University, USA |
Katherine Einstein | Boston University, USA |
Michael Javen Fortner | Claremont McKenna College, USA |
Sekou Franklin | Middle Tennessee State University, USA |
Keneshia Grant | Howard University, USA |
Megan E. Hatch | Cleveland State University, USA |
Veronica Herrera | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Annika Marlen Hinze | Fordham University, USA |
Mirya Holman | Tulane University, USA |
Sara Hughes | University of Michigan, USA |
Nazia Hussain | University of Tokyo, Japan |
David Imbroscio | University of Louisville, USA |
Kyle A. Jaros | University of Notre Dame, USA |
Cedric Johnson | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
David Kaufmann | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland |
Vlad Kogan | The Ohio State University, USA |
Loren B. Landau | |
J. Celeste Lay | Tulane University, USA |
Jack Lucas | University of Calgary, Canada |
Xiao Ma | Peking University, China |
Eduardo Marques | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Heike Mayer | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Steve McGovern | Haverford University, USA |
Jonathan Metzger | KTH Royal Technology, Sweden |
Scott Minkoff | New Paltz - SUNY, USA |
Eduardo Moncada | Barnard College, USA |
Domingo Morel | Rutgers University, USA |
Jen Nelles | Oxford Brookes University, USA |
Ashley E. Nickels | Kent State University, USA |
Sally Nuamah | Northwestern University, USA |
Jeffrey Paller | University of San Francisco, USA |
Eleonora Pasotti | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Alison Post | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Benjamin L. Read | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Akira Drake Rodriguez | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Daniel S. Scheller | University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA |
Eric Stokan | University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA |
Richard Stren | University of Toronto, Canada |
Stacey Sutton | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Jessica Trounstine | University of California, Merced, USA |
Jeremy Wallace | Cornell University, USA |
Qinfang Wang | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Diane Wong | Rutgers University, USA |
Yang Yu | Renmin University of China, China |
Eric Zeemering | University of Georgia, USA |
Andrew Zitcer | Drexel University, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.