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Journal of Family History

Journal of Family History

Studies in Family, Kinship, Gender, and Demography

eISSN: 15525473 | ISSN: 03631990 | Current volume: 49 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

For over three decades, the Journal of Family History has been the leading resource for scholars interested in the history of the family. Today, JFH continues to be the most important forum for international research on family, kinship and population.  Its focus encompasses work from a variety of perspectives, including gender, sexuality, race, class, and culture.

Interdisciplinary Scholarship

JFH focuses on historically based studies on family, kinship, and demography, featuring valuable contributions from the following fields:

  • Anthropology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Demography
  • Economics
  • Family Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • History
  • Law
  • Literature
  • Policy Studies
  • Political Science
  • Religion
  • Sociology

Comprehensive Coverage

Offering an extensive representation of the various perspectives on the history of the family, the journal publishes interdisciplinary, comparative, monographic, and interpretive work, drawing from both recent history and more distant periods. Regular features include: * Articles * Book Review Section * Debates * Research Notes * Review Essays * Thematic Symposia

International Reputation

Published in association with the National Council on Family Relations, JFH has earned an international reputation for publishing the best research by top scholars world-wide. JFH is essential reading for historians of the family as well as scholars from other disciplines whose interests lie in various aspects of the family.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Journal of Family History is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes scholarly research from an international perspective concerning the family as a historical social form, with contributions from the disciplines of history, gender studies, economics, law, political science, policy studies, demography, anthropology, sociology, liberal arts, and the humanities. Themes including gender, sexuality, race, class, and culture are welcome. Its contents, which will be composed of both monographic and interpretative work (including full-length review essays and thematic fora), will reflect the international scope of research on the history of the family. The journal will disseminate research on recent history that helps inform social debate and policy, as well as work on more distant periods. Timely articles, debates, and reviews will keep readers abreast of currents in theory, methodology, and interpretation.

Roderick Phillips Carleton University , Canada
Editorial Advisory Committee
Stephanie Coontz The Evergreen State College, USA
John R Gillis Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Robert Griswold University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Karen Offen The Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford, USA
Sonya Rose Anthropology, University of Michigan, Emeritus
David Sabean UCLA, USA
Editorial Board
Massimo Livi Bacci University of Florence, Italy
Carlfred B. Broderick University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles
Barbara Brookes University of Otago, New Zealand
Joan E. Cashin Ohio State University, USA
Hubert Charbonneau University of Montreal, Canada
Natalie Davis University of Toronto, Canada
Salustiano del Campo Urbano Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
John Demos Yale University, USA
Philip J. Greven Jr. Rutgers University, USA
A. James Hammerton La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Karen Hansen Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA
Olwen Hufton European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy
Mark Hutter Rowan College of New Jersey, Glassboro, USA
Emmanuel LeRoy Ladurie College of France, Paris, France
Gerda Lerner University of Wisconsin - Madison, Chile
Katherine Lynch Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
John Mogey Arizona State University, West
Anne O'Brien University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Marvin B. Sussman University of Delaware, USA
Pat Thane University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Stephan Thernstrom Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Jan Trost Uppsala University, Sweden
David Troyansky Brooklyn College and the Graduate School, City University of New York
Randolph Trumbach City University of New York, Graduate Center
Wolfgang Voegeli Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, Hamburg, Germany
Robert Wheaton Concord, Massachusetts, USA
Arthur P. Wolf Sociology, Stanford University, USA
Tatiana Zabelina Centre for Women, Family, and Gender Studies, Moscow, Russia
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  • Wilson Social Sciences Index Retrospective
  • The Journal of Family History invites manuscripts reporting historical research or interpretations from a wide range of fields, including sociology, gender studies, demography, anthropology, economics, law, political science and policy studies. Articles should be no more then 40 typewritten, double-spaced pages. Include an abstract of approximately 100 words, with footnotes, references, tables, and figures on separate pages. To ensure anonymous review, keep identifying material out of the manuscript. Author's name, institutional affiliation, and address should appear on a separate cover page. Manuscripts should follow the Notes Style of the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition); please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style website or a recent issue of the journal. Submission to the Journal of Family History implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is under consideration by another journal.

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