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"I am quite enthusiastic about this book. As far as I know, no one has brought the perspective of mastery learning to the considerable dialogue about standards even though the connection is an obvious one. These authors clearly know mastery learning and will add greatly to the standards movement."
"The book makes a distinct contribution to the field. The integration of standards and mastery learning is important if standards, once established, are to be achieved by large numbers of students. I think it is timely, well organized, contains real-life examples, and is well written."
"This is one of the best books I have read on this topic. I can't wait for it to be published so that I can give copies to each of the teachers at my school."
"In my opinion, this book would be excellent in a curriculum and instruction class in teacher education programs either at the graduate or certification level. It would also be good for school administrators researching successful methods in the area of standards achievement."