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Chapter 15 (Postmodernism) deals with the importance of Judith Butler for gender studies (pp. 752-761). I will use this part in my gender and politics lecture.
Max Weber (Chapter 4), Critical Theory (Chapter 10), Poststructuralism (Chapter 14) Postmodernism (Chapter 15), The Global Society (Chapter 16) are important topics for my political sociology course. These chapters give detailed information about these topics.
This textbook is the best and most presentation of contemporary theory that I have found. The author writes to students, bringing a wide variety of theoretical ideas into their everyday lives. I have students in graduate school who tell me they continue to refer to this textbook (which they used in their undergrad education).
Overall excellent introductory text for undergraduate students.
excellent coverage of major contemporary theorists. good reference to key issues such as social structures, agency and globalization. I found building your theory toolbox and concepts and theory features very useful for reinforcing learning.
An excellent book which explores and develops contemporary ideas in sociology with nuance. Provides a solid underpinning for social science students for undergraduate and post-graduate levels
A great text to get students active in conversation!
This is a useful text which succinctly reviews sociological theory to support students in thinking through issues such as social structures, class and power. I found the summary sections in each chapter particularly helpful.
A vital resource in teaching undergraduate social theory. Makes a difficult task so much easier. Clear language and full of the relevant information to enhance understanding of difficult concepts.
To basic for this course. But can be used in the Bachelor courses concerning sociology and theories of culture and society
Hardly any incorporation of postmodern theory
An excellent textbook, bringing together the "who is who" of sociological and social theory, introducing key concepts and fundamental approaches in a meaningful way... All provided in a pedagogically sound manner.
An interesting book with some interesting sections. Good historical overview. Mainly focused on USA.
I found this text very usefull in its structure. The use of the 'big picture' and theorist digest before exploring the theoretical arument - gives greater clarity to the concepts involved. This I feel is unusual for an academic text at this level. A good reference point for both level 6 students and lecturers alike.