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Response to Intervention (Multimedia Kit)

Response to Intervention (Multimedia Kit)
A Multimedia Kit for Professional Development

April 2008 | 48 pages | Corwin
Give educators user-friendly, step-by-step guidelines for implementing Response to Intervention in their classrooms!

Designed around the best-selling book Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher, this comprehensive multimedia presentation offers staff developers explicit tools to help teachers use multiple approaches to Response to Intervention (RTI)—including three-tier and four-tier models—to target instruction and improve learning. This all-in-one resource helps workshop leaders demonstrate how to use research-based interventions to individualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and respond to specific student needs. Discussion points for workshop participants include:

Documenting the existence or nonexistence of a learning disability

Using RTI techniques to benefit students who are economically underprivileged and/or culturally and linguistically diverse

Assuring treatment fidelity using research-supported curriculum

Gathering data to make informed instructional decisions for students

Presenting vignettes and examples that illustrate the problem-solving strengths of RTI techniques, this multimedia kit includes:

The companion book, Response to Intervention, providing the foundational framework for implementing RTI in the classroom

A 42-minute, content-rich VHS video that features William N. Bender and Cara Shores, along with administrators and teachers who demonstrate how RTI methods meet the needs of all students in inclusive classrooms

A companion DVD with navigational menus and bullets for easy stop-and-search control of the video content

A step-by-step Facilitator's Guide that connects the core content of the book to both the video and DVD and includes video/DVD segment prompts, workshop outlines, extended workshop activities, discussion questions, and key points

About the Authors
How to Use the Guide

How to Use the Video/DVD

Additional Resources for Facilitators

Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide: Facilitator's Guide to Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher by William N. Bender and Cara Shores
Welcome and Workshop Starter
Chapter 1. Response to Intervention

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activity

Practical Applications

Chapter 2. Implementation of a Standard Treatment Protocol Response to Intervention

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activities

Practical Applications

Chapter 3. Implementation of a Problem-Solving Response to Intervention

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activities

Practical Applications

Chapter 4. Implementing RTI to Meet the Needs of All Learners

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activities

Practical Applications

Chapter 5. Will RTI Work? Ongoing Questions

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activities

Practical Applications

Appendix F. Using Response to Intervention for Inappropriate Behavior

Discussion Questions

Workshop Activity

Practical Applications

Handout 1. Scenarios for Problem-Solving and Standard Protocol RTI

Handout 2. RTI Planning Process Form

Handout 3. Sample Schedules

Overhead 1. Where Are We on Implementation of RTI?

Overhead 2. Three-Tiered Pyramid of Intervention

Overhead 3. Tier One Intervention Data

Overhead 4. Tier Two Intervention Data

Overhead 5. Summary of an RTI Procedure: Part I

Overhead 6. Summary of an RTI Procedure: Part II

Overhead 7. Problem-Solving RTI Model

Overhead 8. Progress Monitoring Chart From DIBELS

Overhead 9. Schoolwide Planning for RTI

Sample Workshop Agendas
Half-Day Workshop Agenda

One-Day Workshop Agenda

Workshop Evaluation Form

For instructors

Please contact your Academic Consultant to check inspection copy availability for your course.

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ISBN: 9781412962933