Response to Intervention (Multimedia Kit)
A Multimedia Kit for Professional Development
- William N. Bender - The Teacher's Workshop
- Cara Shores - Wesley Educational Services
Assessment | Interventions for SEN & Behaviour | Multimedia Kits & Facilitator's Guides
Designed around the best-selling book Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher, this comprehensive multimedia presentation offers staff developers explicit tools to help teachers use multiple approaches to Response to Intervention (RTI)—including three-tier and four-tier models—to target instruction and improve learning. This all-in-one resource helps workshop leaders demonstrate how to use research-based interventions to individualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and respond to specific student needs. Discussion points for workshop participants include:
Documenting the existence or nonexistence of a learning disability
Using RTI techniques to benefit students who are economically underprivileged and/or culturally and linguistically diverse
Assuring treatment fidelity using research-supported curriculum
Gathering data to make informed instructional decisions for students
Presenting vignettes and examples that illustrate the problem-solving strengths of RTI techniques, this multimedia kit includes:
The companion book, Response to Intervention, providing the foundational framework for implementing RTI in the classroom
A 42-minute, content-rich VHS video that features William N. Bender and Cara Shores, along with administrators and teachers who demonstrate how RTI methods meet the needs of all students in inclusive classrooms
A companion DVD with navigational menus and bullets for easy stop-and-search control of the video content
A step-by-step Facilitator's Guide that connects the core content of the book to both the video and DVD and includes video/DVD segment prompts, workshop outlines, extended workshop activities, discussion questions, and key points