The Academic Skills Handbook
Your Guide to Success in Writing, Thinking and Communicating at University
- Diana Hopkins - Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Freelance Consultant
- Tom Reid - Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Freelance Consultant
Student Success
'...Reassuringly informal and accessible, like a pocket academic mentor.' - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
This is your complete guide to success in navigating, writing, thinking, and communicating at university. Packed with tips, diagnostic tools, guided exercises, and full text examples, it equips you to boost your grades, ace your assignments, and get the most out of your time at university.
This book helps you:
- Prepare for and navigate university culture
- Develop the academic skills needed for success at university
- Communicate your ideas with confidence and clarity
- Watch your skills grow with diagnostic tools
- Create your own study plan tailored to the skills you need
- Know what your tutor is looking for and how to deliver
- Turn your skills into success after university
The Academic Skills Handbook is specially designed to show you where your strengths are and what you need to work on, so you get a practice plan that is perfect for your needs. It then arms you with the principles and practice to get ahead in your academic writing, presentations and group work.
What's new to this edition? Three chapters on university culture, writing blogs, and online and blended learning (including best practices for using AI as a support tool), as well as new annotated examples of course work and increased coverage of wellbeing.
Student Success is a series of essential guides for students of all levels. From how to think critically and write great essays to boosting your employability and managing your wellbeing, the Student Success series helps you study smarter and get the best from your time at university.
Watch the video recording of student webinar Academic Writing and Taking a Critical Approach with authors Diana Hopkins, and Tom Reid. Hosted by JS Group, this talk brings some top tips on how to show more critical engagement with your writing to achieve higher grades.
Visit our hub for free academic skills, wellbeing and employability resources from our new and bestselling guides, designed to support you from day one all the way through to graduation and beyond.
Writing Sample Library: Annotated examples of real writing from real students, full of notes and tips from the authors to help you anticipate what your tutor will look for. Here you can find sample essays for every subject area, a lab report, reflective essay, a dissertation and a sample poster.
Diagnostic Tool Kit: Score yourself from the diagnostic test in each chapter of the book, so you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and can plan your own, personal plan to build up your academic skills.
Answers to Guided Tasks: Find the answers to all guided tasks in the book too!
Look inside The Academic Skills Handbook and learn how it helps students transform their university experience.
Find out how The Academic Skills Handbook 2e helps faculty provide personalised support to every student and make the most of face-to-face time.
Fantastic study skills book for our Foundation Year students.