The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Research Methods
- David Buchanan - Cranfield University, UK
- Alan Bryman - University of Leicester, UK
Research Methods for Business & Management (General)
Buchanan & Bryman have gathered together many of the world's leading writers on theory, method and analysis in organizational research and have made this the most comprehensive and cutting-edge volume in this ever-growing field. The handbook aims to:
- Provide a comprehensive critical review of contemporary issues, debates, field practice, and trends across the domain of organizational research;
- Locate current thinking, debates, and methods in the history of organizational research;
- Identify trends, theories, and issues which have the potential to shape the underpinning epistemologies, theories and methodologies of future organizational research;
- Explore strategies for bridging the gap between researchers and those who are in a position to act on research findings to influence organizational practice
The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Research Methods provides an impressively comprehensive critical review of contemporary issues, debates and trends across the domain of organizational research. It will be an indispensible reference work for all organizational researchers.
Overall I found it an excellent book which is now on our recommended reading list
This is an excellent course textbook which provides a good overview of research methods suitable for a wide range of organisations, not least of which is within hospitality, tourism, leisure and retailing social science research.
Excellent read. Easy to follow. Good for level 6 and postgrad m level students.
This book covers the important epistemology frameworks, ethics, qualitative methods, and leadership research our students might use in our Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Leadership program.
Presents a wide range of epistemological, methodological and ethical issues in relation to organizational research
This is a very valuable book. It is most important for students who are writing MSc or Doctoral dissertations, but not so much for the students in the class it was initially inspected for.
A wealth of material all in one place! Certainly a resource worth dipping into.
excellent, very detailed collection of papers covering a wide range of topics