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576 Results Found for "Sage Books"


SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the expanding fields of surveillance and privacy

SAGE Publishing announces the publication of a new encyclopedia that explains how surveillance has become an essential component of the operations of global society and the impact it has on our security and privacy. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy is the culmination of four years of systematic scholarship focused on the condition of shared humanity in the age of technologized information.

Three SAGE Publishing titles honored by the Textbook and Academic Authors Association

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that three titles have received awards from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA). Social Media Marketing, second edition by Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon, and Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice and Culture, fourth edition by Andrew M. Pomerantz, were awarded the TAA Textbook Excellence Award while Lifespan Development: Lives in Context, by Tara L. Kuther, was awarded Most Promising New Textbook.

New text connects social psychology concepts to students’ lives through storytelling: SAGE Publishing releases Social Psychology

Addressing Harry Potter, Mean Girls, and other pop-culture references, the new text Social Psychology takes a storytelling approach to teaching the science of how people influence each other’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Written by award-winning teacher-researchers Thomas Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend, the text is available now from SAGE Publishing.

“Each topic in this book is important because it is relevant to thousands, if not millions of people,” writes Heinzen and Goodfriend.

Data comes to life in new edition of bestselling SAGE Publishing text

Data can be presented in a variety of ways, but which are the most clear, engaging, and impactful? SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Presenting Data Effectively: Communicating Your Findings for Maximum Impact, Second Edition by Dr. Stephanie D. H. Evergreen. The full-color text teaches students, researchers, evaluators, non-profit workers, and others who report data how to present research results in a meaningful way.

Pre-Approved Permission Requests

Sage provides gratis non-exclusive permission for limited re-uses of its content without the need for a formal request, as indicated below.  This approval excludes any third-party content which requires permission from a separate copyright holder.

When re-using content under these terms, you must provide a full citation to the original source of the Sage material wherever such material appears in your publication.

SAGE Ocean announces its first ever Concept Grant winners

Over $100,000 of funding awarded to support the development of new tools to help social scientists work with big data

SAGE Ocean has announced the winners of its first ever Concept Grants: Quanteda Studio, MiniVAN and Digital DNA Toolbox. Each winner has been awarded $35,000 to support the development of their project.

Explore the intersection of gender and psychology with The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

As more public attention is drawn to those who are breaking the traditional gender binary, many wonder about the impact it is having—both on individuals and society at large. A variety of topics related to gender and psychology are addressed in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender, recently published by SAGE. With nearly 600 entries by experts across a range of disciplines in four volumes, the text explores how gender affects society and individuals’ personalities, behaviors, worldviews, and more.

SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the advancing field of intellectual and developmental disabilities

How can advances in genetics, brain imaging, treatments, and assessment reduce the stigma associated with intellectual and developmental disorders? How does this research further our understanding of these disorders, giving rise to possible treatment and policy options? SAGE Publishing announces the release of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders to investigate these issues and more.
