Journal of Conflict Resolution
International Relations (General) | Peace Studies/Conflict Resolution | Politics (General)
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The Journal of Conflict Resolution is an interdisciplinary journal of social scientific research and theory on human conflict. The journal focuses largely on international conflict, but also explores a variety of national, intergroup and interpersonal conflicts.
COMPREHENSIVE . . . For almost fifty years, the Journal of Conflict Resolution has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes of and solutions to the full range of human conflict, serving as a leading international forum for the systematic study of war and peace.
INCISIVE . . . The Journal of Conflict Resolution cuts through the controversies and emotions that often surround conflict, and focuses instead on solid measurable facts and carefully reasoned arguments. The journal provides you with the latest ideas, approaches and processes in conflict resolution.
INTERDISCIPLINARY . . . Committed to the belief that a thorough study of conflict resolution requires the concepts and theories from a variety of disciplines, the Journal of Conflict Resolution regularly features papers from the following areas: Political Science, Law, Economics, Sociology, International Relations, History, Psychology, Anthropology, and Methodology.
- The latest ideas, approaches, and processes in conflict resolution
- Concepts and theories from the widest variety of related disciplines
- The leading international forum for the systematic study of war and peace
- Comprehensive coverage of the key issues in the field
Journal of Conflict Resolution
3140 Tydings Hall
University of Maryland
College, Park MD 20742
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The Journal of Conflict Resolution is an interdisciplinary journal of social scientific theory and research on human conflict. It focuses especially on international conflict, but its pages are open to a variety of contributions about intergroup conflict, as well as between nations, that may help in understanding problems of war and peace. Reports about innovative applications, as well as basic research, are welcomed, especially when the results are of interest to scholars in several disciplines.
Paul Huth | University of Maryland, USA |
Bruce Russett | Yale University, USA |
Leo Bauer | University of Maryland, USA |
Todd Sandler | The University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Christopher Achen | Princeton University, USA |
Patrick T. Brandt | Political Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita | Department of Politics, New York University |
Dapha Canetti | University of Haifa, Israel |
Lars Erik Cederman | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
William A. Donohue | Michigan State University, USA |
Han Dorussen | University of Essex, Colchester, UK |
Daniel Druckman | George Mason University, USA |
James Fearon | Stanford University, USA |
Michelle R. Garfinkel | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch | University of Essex, UK |
Miles Hewstone | Oxford University, UK |
Micheal Horowitz | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Lisa Hultman | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Macartan Humphreys | Columbia University, USA |
Erin K. Jenne | Central European University, Vienna, Austria |
Gary King | Harvard University, Cambridge, USA |
Kai Konrad | Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Germany |
Zeev Maoz | Political Science, University of California, Davis, USA |
Rose McDermott | Brown University, USA |
Rupal N. Mehta | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA |
James D Morrow | University of Michigan, USA |
Dan Reiter | Emory University, USA |
Marta Reynal-Querol | Univertitat Pompeau Fabra, Spain |
Gerald Schneider | University of Konstanz, Germany |
Jacob N. Shapiro | Princeton University, USA |
Alastair Smith | New York University, USA |
Ron Smith | Birkbeck College, University of London, UK |
Sarah Soule | Stanford University, USA |
Barbara Walter | University of California San Diego, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.