News, Improved
How America's Newsrooms Are Learning to Change
News, Improved focuses on the lessons learned from $10 million in training and research projects funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, including Tomorrow's Workforce, a partnership of major news corporations, more than 50 national journalism professional and mid-career teaching organizations, and one of the nation's most prestigious schools of journalism. The four-year project was conceived to show how strategic investments in newsroom training and professional development can improve the appeal and value of quality journalism. It is based at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.
McLellan and Porter's work in newsrooms and their interviews with hundreds of newsroom executives and working journalists found that even in the newsrooms most committed to professional development, training had little impact on the content. It was often opportunistic and not aligned with goals. It was, in short, non-strategic.
News, Improved reports on how news organizations are learning to change by setting clear editorial goals and priorities, developing training at all levels to achieve those goals, and using professional growth as a way to strengthen readership.
The book covers only a few relevant issues which are explored in-depth by other texts.