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I really love the design - it’s great that it has space for details on tutors for if you’re struggling and need to know how to contact them. The finance section was very useful as it can be difficult to manage money when you're starting at university. The dictionary sections at the end are great too- students starting at uni are expected to know these terms, and it gives them a good reference throughout the year.
Producing a planner of this nature is a great idea, especially for students that are just about to enter university. It provides students with guidance on topical matters that can oftentimes be challenging for them to access on their own - especially the tips on finance and well-being, and planning academic success. In particular, I believe the dictionaries provide an excellent tool to help students learn how to navigate the terminological world of academia, which can at first appear rather daunting and confusing to those who are just beginning their academic careers.
This guide would have been instrumental in helping me get back into student life and complete my Masters degree - a vital tool in organisation and planning for a busy and productive year.
This offers students a lot of clear information in a handy sized book
A great little guide to uni life, full of helpful tips and practical resources to support students through their first year. I will definitely be recommending this to our Access to HE Diploma students in tutorial.