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"Today's school administrators strive to balance student safety without compromising student creativity and supportive educational climates. Violence in Student Writing: A School Administrator’s Guide provides educators with legal and education frameworks for distinguishing students who are writing about violence from writing by violent students. Knowing the difference between the two can possibly save lives."
“What is so special about this book (and the author!) is the comprehensive nature of the issue, the historical and legal perspectives, and the sensible recommendations the author provides to handle what can be a tenuous situation. The author presents the reader with the social, educational and legal aspects of the issue while at the same time providing strategies and procedures that the administrator can feel comfortable about developing and implementing that encourage the creativity in students as well as ensure the safety and trust in attending school.”
“This book provides an in depth look at the educators and school administrators responsibility to respond to student work samples that are threatening, abusive, and violent. The aim of the book is to provide an awareness of what is student violent writing, how the English teacher can promote creative writing with guides, and applications for immediate response using a systematic approach once a report has been made involving a violent student writing.
“Timely and relevant in today’s educational climate. This book will encourage educators and administrators to remain aware, cautious, and empowered.”
“This exceptionally practical book addresses the pervasive issues that school staff members face today.”
"Gretchen Oltman offers an important book on a subject that helps us understand the challenges of the past, those of the present, and (gulp!) those we cannot yet imagine. Increased emphasis on writing, combined with evolving trends in online media and bullying, make this a book we all need to keep handy. Here, Gretchen combines her wisdom as both a classroom teacher and a lawyer, offering us a guide we can trust as we all seek to navigate our way through the complex landscape of writing instruction."
"Rarely do authors have the ability to bring the law alive by providing teachers and administrators with deep understanding of its practical application in their schools. This book is an insightful look into the power of school culture, instructional decision making, policy development, and student well-being through the lens of violent writing, both on and off campus. The writing is compelling, the scholarship is deft, and Oltman’s clear focus on the real work of schools makes this book a must read."
"I know first hand how destructive high schools can be in handling student writing that makes them uncomfortable. In some cases students with no record of violence have been suspended, and their reputations permanently altered, just because their English teacher was frightened by something they wrote. Oltman's book presents the case for much more intelligent policies. Teams of educators who have researched the issue and have spoken to the students should be making these decisions, she says. This is a sensible guide that should be required reading for all principals."