About the Author
Questionnaire: Before We Get Started...
1. Introduction
Case Study and Reflective Questions
2. Best Practices in Teaching
Incorporating Academic Allocated, Instructional, Engaged, Success Time
Incorporating Literacy Strategies
Differentiating Instruction
Using Divergent Questioning Techniques
Seeing Teaching in Action
3. Best Practices in Curriculum
Understand the Importance of Curriculum, and Assess Your Knowledge of Curriculum
Understand the Three Types of Curriculum
Understand the Three Approaches to Curriculum
Understand and Use the Tyler Model to Develop Curriculum
Understand the Curriculum Development Process
Understand How to Develop Quality Curriculum
Understand and Use Curriculum Standards
4. Best Practices in Supervision and Professional Development
Implement Clinical Supervision
Encourage Action Research
Collaboratively Plan and Implement Professional Development
Promote Instruction through PCOWBIRDS
5. Promoting Student Achievement for All
26 Best Practice Leadership Principal Behaviors
Conclusion: Making the Time for Instructional Leadership
Resource A. Realities of Instructional Leadership: In-Basket Simulations
Resource B. Assessing Your Role as Instructional Leader
Resource C. An Annotated Bibliography of Best Resources